10 October 2008

Beefsteak Tomatoes - 2008

We expected so much from these 'matos. You were supposed to be HUGE and beefy! But you weren't. Although your flavor was fine and you did suffer some in the beginning due to fertilizer damage (a little garden inexperience), I just can't get over how small you ended up.

Talk about disappointment. Expecting these tomatoes to grow into huge orbs, they all stayed small. They had terrific flavor, though. Next year, we'll have to figure out how to feed these beauties so they can achieve their full growth potential.

In the beginning, it had a very poor crop from water damage. In the end, we got quite a lot, but we lost most of them to water damage.

The beefsteaks were small and that was disappointing until I heard that other people had the same problem.

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